Hair Spray - Coloured

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  • Description

Amazing Colour range including Metallic, Glitter and Fluro. Zo Colour Hair Spray creates instant highlights and striking colours
Use all-over for a big, bold effect or add bright streaks with intense blasts of colour. Zo Washes Out!

Zo is made in Europe under strict quality and environmental guidelines.

Zo Hair Colour is non-permanent and will, in most cases, wash out using normal shampoo and conditioner.

Highlights and Low Lights:
Use dark and light colours to create contrast and a more dramatic affect. Such as Black and a bright Fluro.

Intense Colour:
Select a section of hair. It may be a chunk, a curl or several strands. Hold it away from your other hair and spray.
Repeat to create a streaking affect all over.

Softer Colour:
Use a brush or comb (preferably disposable) to brush through the colour. This reduces the intensity and can create a more tonal look especially when using brown or black. Repeatedly brushing and spraying also helps to create a stronger, all-over colour.